Kothmann Family Shield

Minutes of the 2011 Reunion

June 11, 2011


The 45th Kothmann Family Reunion was held in Mason, Texas at the Elementary/Jr High Cafeteria on June 11, 2011.

Attendance was estimated to be about 315. 284 meals were served.


The business meeting of the 45th Kothmann Reunion was called to order at 11:30 am by Reunion Co-chair, Ken Kothmann. Mort Kothmann gave the opening prayer. The meeting agenda is attached.

The meeting minutes of the 44th Kothmann Reunion (June 13, 2009) were summarized to the group and subsequently approved by voice vote.

The financial report of the Kothmann Reunion fund covering the prior reunion was presented. Copy of the report is attached.

Vernon Fritze discussed the cemetery at Art. The cemetery committee had received a quote to construct and install an iron gate at the cemetery (diagram attached). In addition, it was proposed to construct a stone wall around the cemetery area connecting to the gate. The gate would have an 8 foot entrance and the entire structure would be 12 feet wide. Currently there is only $662 in the cemetery account and the gate alone will cost $2800. A motion was made, seconded and approved to go forward on the plans as soon as funds were available. Leon Kothmann offered $300 to the fund and encouraged others to contribute also. Vernon also asked to coordinate contributions and he collected additional funds during the reunion. A report will be made at the next reunion. The cemetery committee members are Phil Kothmann, Brenda Kothmann, and Vernon Fritze.

Dora Wright gave a report on the Book Committee, including the financial and historical report (attached). She first recognized the work of the entire book committee. She then reminded everyone that the cutoff date for inclusion of events in the next book will be December 31, 2011. Any births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc. that occur after that date must wait for the next edition. We will include stories for 5th generation descendants in the upcoming book and will accept pictures and stories (approx 1000 words) for any 5th generation descendants. The sooner this information can be submitted to Dora, the better. Electronic submissions are encouraged and appreciated. Pictures should be preferably in TIF format but JPEG can also be accepted (minimum 300 dpi). The goal is to have the printed book ready to distribute at the next reunion (in 2013). Complete information on plans and requirements for the book were included in the letter that went with the reunion invitation.

Dora discussed the purchase of a new computer and new software to maintain the database. We are moving toward being able to publish information on the web and are diligent about protecting personal information. Even in the existing database, personal information is not shared with anyone that is not directly working on the maintenance or use of the database. Dora's old computer is available to someone in exchange for a donation. Contact Dora if interested.

The next Kothmann Reunion was set for Saturday, June 8, 2013 and will be held in Mason, Texas at the Elementary/Jr High Cafeteria. The chairperson for the 2013 Reunion will be Lesley Kothmann.

The following recognitions were made:

Oldest descendant present: Arthur Kothmann (91.) *

Youngest descendant present: Gunner Barrington (7 weeks).

Farthest Traveler: Neal Donnop (China).

Most Descendants present: Ernest Leifeste (231 descendants present).

* After the meeting had concluded it was learned that Willie Mae Oestreich (96) had arrived late.

Also the following special recognitions:

Cemetery maintenance: Willard Jordan

Book activities and maintenance of descendant records: Dora Wright

Ken and Brenda Kothmann for their work in coordinating a great reunion.

Finally the list of descendants that died since the last reunion was read (see attachment) and their memories honored.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Following the business meeting, a panoramic family photo was taken.

Also at the close of the reunion awards were announced for the popularity of deserts. Since some had left by the time of the announcements, we're still tracking down who brought what in some cases. Winners were:

Cake - Lemon Cake (Kathy Kothmann)

Cookies - Molasses Cookies

Pie - Lemon Meringue

Other - Chocolate Fudge Brownies (Kathy Kothmann)

A cookbook is planned with the recipes received from this and the next reunion.

Attachments: (not included on the web)

Attachment 1: Agenda

Attachment 2: Kothmann Reunion Financial Report

Attachment 3: Art Cemetery information

Attachment 4: Financial statements (Book committee & Cemetery Foundation); Historical Report

Attachment 5: Listing of deaths since last reunion


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