Kothmann Family Shield

Minutes of the 2009 Reunion

June 14, 2009


The business meeting of the 44th Kothmann Reunion was called to order at 11:00 am by Reunion Chair, Leon Kothmann.

The meeting minutes of the 43rd Kothmann Reunion (June 9, 2007) were summarized to the group and subsequently approved by voice vote.


Financial reports were provided on the Book Committee Fund, The Kothmann Foundation, and the Kothmann Reunion Fund (preliminary).

John Henry Kothmann discussed the cemetery at Art. The current historical marker has some errors and John Henry has researched and proposed a revised write-up. If we request a changed marker from the State, we’ll likely have to pay for it but there are funds available in the Cemetery Fund. A committee was appointed and given the authority to investigate making the changes and implementing those changes (including a new gateway) if they feel that the cost is appropriate. The committee members are Phil Kothmann, Brenda Kothmann, and Vernon Fritze. They will make a report at the next reunion (in 2011).

Dora Wright gave a report on the Book Committee. She reminded everyone of the website that Kathy Kothmann maintains for us: www.KothmannsofTexas.org . The cutoff date for inclusion of events in the next book will be December 31, 2011. Any births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc. that occur after that date must wait for the next edition. We will include stories for 5th generation descendants in the upcoming book and will accept pictures and stories (approx 1000 words) for any 5th generation descendants. Also we will allow updates of 3rd and 4th generation stories and pictures. The deadline for 5th generation stories and pictures is the Reunion 2011 (June 11, 2011). However, you can submit these at any time and Dora requested that you send them in sooner rather than later. Electronic submissions are encouraged and appreciated.

Following the business meeting, family photos were taken by 2nd generation groupings. Also attendees were asked to try to identify those included in various photos from previous reunions. These were set up for review.

The next Kothmann Reunion was set for Saturday, June 11, 2011 and will be held in Mason, Texas at the Elementary/Jr High Cafeteria. The chairpersons for the 2011 Reunion will be Ken and Brenda Kothmann.

The following recognitions were made:

Oldest descendant present: Andrew Kothmann

Youngest descendant present: Heidi Kothmann

Farthest Traveler: Lisa Howard (Baltimore)

Most Descendants present: Nell Kothmann (20 descendants present)

Also the following special recognitions:

Cemetery maintenance: Willard Jordan

Book activities and maintenance of descendant records: Dora Wright

Treasurer/bookkeeper for Kothmann Reunion activities: Riley Kothmann

Vernon & Cathy Fritze were celebrating their 45th anniversary today.

Finally the list of descendants that died since the last reunion was read and their memories honored.

The meeting was adjourned at noon.


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