Kothmann Family Shield

Minutes of the 2005 Reunion

June 11, 2005


The 42nd Kothmann Family Reunion was held at Turner Hall, Fredricksburg, Texas on June 11, 2005.

The meeting was called to order by Mort Kothmann, Co-chairman of the meeting along with Herbert Kothmann. Mort read the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report as submitted by Joycelyn Carpenter. A motion to approve the minutes as submitted was made by Karl Kothmann and seconded by Leon Kothmann.

It was announced that a PA system had been purchased for use at the family reunions by Herbert Kothmann. A motion to approve the purchase and reimburse Herbert for the purchase was made by Leon Kothmann and seconded by Lee Gilbert.

Old Business:

The Cemetery Committee met led by Karl Kothmann. The area surrounding the cemetery at the Art site has been mowed and cleared, corners set to mark the boundaries of the property, and the area is not currently fenced except for the original fence around the grave sites. John Henry Kothmann, chairman of the committee, suggested that we leave the site as is for now. It is being well maintained and further fencing would increase the time and cost of maintenance. Herbert Kothmann reported that there was damage to the concrete wall around the gravesites on the southeast corner that should be repaired. The cost to repair at this time would be less than allowing the damage to spread. A comment was made that Willard Jordan was doing the mowing.

A question was raised about the bricks with names inscribed on them that had been discussed at the last reunion. Dora Wright said there was $630 in the family foundation fund which would not be enough to build a brick walkway. Mort Kothmann asked for a show of hands of people who would be interested in buying a brick and a majority of those present indicated that they would be interested. A committee would be needed to investigate the cost of the inscribing of the bricks and building the walkway. A sign-up sheet was placed on the table at the rear of the room for those interested to write their names, addresses, phone #’s and email addresses.

Everyone was asked to sign the book at the registration table to maintain a permanent record of who the attendees were at the reunion. Approximately 105 people were in attendance.

Dora Wright gave the book committee report. The 1989 computer she was using to maintain the family records is no longer working. A motion was made by Aubrey Kothmann and seconded by Leon Kothmann to have Dora purchase a new computer with funds from the book fund. As of the last reunion, there was $14,515.38 in the book fund. After purchasing postage to mail out this year’s invitations and the update forms for the book, $13,704.68 is the book fund balance.

Since the last reunion in 2003 there have been: 31 marriages, 52 births, 31 deaths, and 8 divorces.

There are 4,336 people in the Kothmann book data base, of which 3,457 are living and 2,952 are direct descendants.

The data cutoff for the new book will be 12/31/2111. Addresses are very important to maintaining contact. Please be sure to keep your family’s addresses current. Mort extended out thanks to Dora for her work in keeping the records up to date.

New Business:

A motion was made by Joycelyn Carpenter and seconded by Aubrey Kothmann that the 2007 reunion be held on the 2 nd Saturday in June. Possible locations were discussed and a motion was made by Martha Vacek and seconded by Brenda Kothmann that the Mason High School Cafeteria be chosen. The motion carried. The cost will be $75 for the cafeteria, another $50 if we want to use the kitchen and $50 if we want to use the swimming pool. The school will not need the money until early 2007, but the reservation should be made now. A request was made to have the business meeting at 11AM to allow extra travel time. The reunion committee will locate and hire a caterer.

A certificate was awarded to Andrew Kothmann for being the oldest person in attendance – 94 (95 in l more day).

A certificate was awarded to David & Forrestine Kothmann for being married the longest – 61 years.

A certificate was awarded to Lisa Howard for having come the fartherest – Baltimore, MD.

A certificate was awarded to Karoline Kothmann, daughter of John & Allison Kothmann for being the youngest having been born on April 6, 2005.

A certificate was awarded to Nell Kothmann for having both the most children and grandchildren present at the reunion – 4 children and 4 grandchildren.

Everyone present was reminded of the family website: www.kothmannsoftexas.org

The committee responsible for the next reunion will be Leon Kothmann and Riley Kothmann. They will appoint a secretary treasurer.

The names of the 31 family members who have died were read and Mort Kothmann closed with a prayer.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

Gwen Gilbert


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